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Behavior Expectations

Our Leadership Mission:

We Celebrate and Empower the Leader in all of Us


The 7 Habits of Happy Kids

Habit 1: Be Proactive - I’m in charge of myself.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind - Have a plan.

Habit 3: Put First Things First - Work first, then play.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win - Everyone can win.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood - Listen before you talk.

Habit 6: Synergize - Together is better.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw - Balance feels best.


Behavior Expectations


Westgate Cougars







Be Safe

Be in the right spot the right way

Keep a calm body to yourself

Sit facing the table and walk

Use equipment appropriately

Quickly respond to quiet sign

Be Responsible

Complete assignments to the best of your ability in a timely manner

Walk quietlyon sidewalks and in the hallways

Clean up after yourself

Play by the rules

Be an active participant

Be Respectful

Follow directions right away

Smile and greet people

Use your manners and an inside voice

Take turns and use kind words to problem solve appropriately

Appropriate applause

Be Engaged


Actively listen and participate. Have a growth mindset in your attitude and work.

Be aware of your surroundings

Calmly sit and eat during the lunch period

Have fun and include others

Actively listen and participate when appropriate



Positive Support for Students:  

  • Classroom and school community

  • Clear schoolwide and classroom expectations

  • Positive feedback and reinforcement of expectations

  • Adult support including staff, administration, teachers, and counselors


The driving questions for all students at ALL levels of discipline:  What are you going to do to make it right? What are you going to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again?



When students’ attitudes or behavior cause a problem, we will implement the following procedures.


Level 1:  Student and staff work it out.

Examples of Level 1 behaviors may include:

  • Verbal disruptions

  • Interrupting the learning environment

  • Refusing to complete assignments

  • Inappropriate language

The focus of action is to help the student make better choices. Consequences will focus on doing something to correct the problem and will be done by the student. Consequences may include: written and/or verbal apology, complete work at recess, conference with student.


Level 2:  Student, staff and parent work it out.

Examples of Level 2 behaviors may include:

  • Chronic Level 1 behaviors

  • Disrespectful words and actions

  • Leaving the classroom without permission

If the problem continues, the teacher will contact the parent/guardian to discuss the issue.  A meeting may also be arranged with parent/guardian, student and teacher to discuss and decide on a plan of improvement for the student. Consequences may include: Written plan for improvement, buddy class when appropriate, practice/work at recess.


Level 3:  Student, staff, parent and administration work it out.

Examples of Level 3 behaviors may include:

  • All unsafe physical behaviors such as slamming doors, throwing furniture, screaming, etc.

  • Hitting, pushing, and/or other aggressive physical behaviors towards others

  • Inappropriate language - profanity, threatening language, discriminatory language

At this point, staff will implement consequences and parents/guardians will be contacted. The principal will meet with staff, parents/guardians and student to implement a plan to change the behavior of the child.   


Level 4:  Student is given in school suspension or suspended from school.  

Examples of Level 4 behaviors may include:

  • Possession of weapons, drugs, alcohol

  • Immediate or continuing danger to self or others

  • Ongoing harassment

  • Excessive physical and/or verbal aggressions

Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately and must meet with administration and staff. Exceptional misconduct may result in immediate suspension.